My latest published book was also one of my favorite nonfiction projects. I've now worked for
Rosen for many years, and the topics that I cover for them are always very interesting. Their Digital and Information Literacy series deals with many new technical topics and issues that are hitting the general population--as well as the youngest generation--for the very first time. The new titles in the current series are Bitcoins, Getting the Most out of Massive Open Online Courses, Incredible Projects Using 3D Printing, Making the Most of Crowdfunding, Snap and Share, and The Wonderful World of Wearable Devices.
I was lucky enough to get the project that was closest to my heart, the one about photography. I've now been taking pictures steadily for well over 30 years. My iPhone is with me wherever I go! Working on this project was a perfect match for me. I mentioned some obvious connections between Andy Warhol, Polaroids and Instagram's now famous filters, as well as the selfie phenomenon, and the nearly 1 trillion photos that were taken by people in 2014 alone.
Since I am a photographer as well as a writer, I was very lucky to have one of
my Instagram photos chosen for the cover of the book. Here is the original shot which was taken at Hoffman's Playland in Albany, NY. Hoffman's just closed last season, so this photo is now a record of the famous amusement park that has been in operation in Albany since 1952.
The book can be found on